Thursday, June 5, 2008

Booking through trends

Have your book-tastes changed over the years?
More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?

My reading has changed over the years. In school, I preferred fairy tales and or Enid Blytons. In my college days, I used to read mysteries, thrillers and lots of romances. I used to read classics too but those were not so very often. I rarely read non-fiction. Unless it was to do with travelogues. Now I read more serious books. I can read non-fiction although not too much of it. I also have taken to fantasies. Although paranormal erotic fiction is beyond me even now. I do read lighter stuff but with underlying seriousness. I stay away from frivolous, meaningless reads.

In romances, I look out for historical ones with good story lines. Not for me the run of the mill kind. I also have started reading award winning books and authors which I avoided previously. I do read how-to books more often. In novels, I like real life stories. I still read mysteries but not as much as I used to. I have also started reading horror stories. In a way I have grown. I can read almost anything now. Even graphic novels, children's fiction, young adults etc etc. Except for hard-core porn and self-help books.

In non-fiction, I prefer books on gardening, wild life, birds,autobiographies, scientific stuff, geography. Anything other than technical stuff. Nowdays I do not mind exploring new authors. I don't stick to a few any more. No fixed author, genre for me. Now my reading is more versatile. Or should I say more mature?